My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Our Only True Lord, God and Savior,



The devotional hymns to the Ever-Virgin Mary are as ancient as the first Christian Church. The Byzantine Empire from its very inception, closely allied itself to the Ever-Virgin Mary and always sought Her protection. This we see from the Prayer Services to the Theotokos in the 5th, through the 8th Centuries. The "Akathist Hymn", which has more than one author, existed for the most part even before the established year of 626 A.D. The Kontakion hymn"To the Invincible Champion…we ascribe the victory" was added then, and came to be recognized as the "Akathist Hymn," because of the following miracle attributed to the Theotokos.

While the Emperor of Byzantium Heracleios was on an expedition to fight the aggression of the Persians on their own grounds, there appeared outside the walls of Constantiinople barbaric hordes, mostly Avars. The siege lasted for a few months, and it was apparent that the outnumbered troops of the Queen City were reaching desperation.

However, as history records, the faith of the faithful worked the impossible. The Venerable Patriarch Sergius with the Clergy and the high Official of Byzantium Vonos, endlessly marched along the great walls of Constantinople with the Holy Icon of the Theotokos in hand, and bolstered the faith of the defenders of freedom. The miracle came very soon. Unexpectedly, as the chronicler narrates, a great storm with huge tidal waves destroyed most of the fleet of the enemy, and full retreat ensued.

The faithful Orthodox Christians of Constantinople spontaneously filled the Church of the Theotokos at Vlachernae on the Golden Horn, and with the Patriarch Sergius officiating, they prayed all night singing the praises of the Ever-Virgin Mary WITHOUT SITTING. Hence the title of the Hymn "Akathistos", the Greek word for "NOT SITTING." The hymn is comprised of 24 stanzas, arranged in an acrostic following the Greek alphabet. The stanzas alternate between long and short. Each short stanza is written in prose and ends with the singing of "Alleluia." Each longer stanza with the refrain: "REJOICE, O BRIDE UNWEDDED."

The first part of the hymn is about the Annunciation of the Ever-Virgin Mary by the Angel. The second part is about the Birth of Christ. In the third part the hymn directs our attention to the renewal of the world by Christ’s coming. The fourth and the last part is once more a lyric and rhetorical appraisal of the Ever-Virgin Mary, whom the poet adorns with the most beautiful of adjectives asking her to accept his poetical offering and to intercede for the salvation of the human race from the earthly sin.

On the First Friday, the priest reads the holy Gospel of the day taken from Saint John 15:1-7. On the Fifth Friday of Holy and Great Lent the complete divine service is observed. There is also a plethora of beautiful portrayals of the Holy Mother of God, alluding to Her role in the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus, for the Salvation of Mankind. This devotional hymn to the Theotokos has been placed on the Fridays of Holy Lent to inspire, strengthen and prepare the faithful for the anticipated Holy and Great Week by having the Mother of God intercede for them to Her Son and God for mercy and the salvation of all.

The Megalynarion Hymn to the Theotokos

It is truly fitting to bless You, O Theotokos, the
Ever-Blessed and All-Pure, and the Mother of our
God; more Honorable than the Cherubim and
incomparably more Glorious than the Seraphim;
You, Who incorruptibly gave birth to God, the Logos/Word,
verily the Theotokos, we magnify.

Apolytikion (Dismissal) Hymn. Fourth Plagal Tone

Having secretly received the command,
the Archangel hastened unto Joseph’s abode
and spoke to the Holy Virgin.
He Who bowed the Heavens with His Descending,
is wholly contained, yet unchanged in You.
And seeing Him taking the likeness of a servant in
Your womb,
I stand in amazement and cry unto You: "Rejoice! O
Bride Ever-Virgin."


[1st Ode  4th Tone   Heirmos

   "I shall open my mouth, and filled with Spirit,
I shall speak to the Queen Mother; and I shall be
seen gladly rejoicing, and shall sing with delight
all Her Marvels:

 Most Holy Mother of God intercede for us.
   When the Great Angel saw you O Pure One,
the Living Bible of Christ, sealed by the Spirit,
he cried unto You:  Rejoice! O Vessel of gladness,
through whom the curse of the first mother is

Most Holy Mother of God intercede for us.
   Rejoice! O Virgin-Bride of God, the restorer of
Adam and the death of Hades.  Rejoice! O Blameless
One, the Palace of the only King.  Rejoice! O fiery Throne
of the Almighty.

3rd Ode  Heirmos

   O Theotokos, Living and inexhaustible Fountain;
strengthen those who sing Your praises into a spiritual
fellowship:  and in your Divine Glory, deem them
worthy for crowns of glory.

    1st STANZA

      The Archangel was sent from Heaven to say
"Rejoice" to the Theotokos.  And with his Celestial
Voice, envisioning You O Lord embodied, he was
Wonder-rapt and stood crying unto Her:

"Rejoice! To You through Whom joy shall shine forth,
               Rejoice! To You through Whom the curse will

   The Righteous Joseph having doubtful thoughts
seeing You, O Pure One, and suspecting a hidden
wedlock, was troubled; but when he learned of Your
conception by the Holy Spirit, he said:


Unto You, O Theotokos, invincible Champion, 
Your City, in thanksgiving ascribes the victory for the
deliverance from sufferings.
And having Your Might unassailable,
free me from all dangers, so that I may cry
unto You:  "Rejoice! O Bride Ever-Virgin."
[Souce: The Akathist Hymn by Father George Papadeas]

"Glory Be To GOD

All Things!"
– Saint John Chrysostomos
+ + +

With sincere agape in His Divine and Glorious Diakonia (Ministry),
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+ Father George

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